How to attract consumers looking for gluten-free food?

by | Oct 23, 2019 | Natural Ingredients | 0 comments

The desire to make eating more natural, healthy and nutrient-rich has made thousands of Brazilians consume gluten-free food.

A protein found in oats, wheat flour, malt and barley, gluten is present in bread, cakes, cookies, beers, and other doughs that we eat on a daily basis. In bread, for example, this substance helps to make the dough more elastic and make it grow.

Like everything we eat, gluten needs to be consumed in a regulated way. By being present in energetic and caloric products, it can turn into fat and lead to weight gain and cardiovascular disease.

People diagnosed with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) must include gluten-free food in their diet. This problem compromises nutrient absorption by the small intestine, leading to bloating, severe diarrhea, anemia, developmental problems (in the case of children) and weight loss due to the lack of proper absorption of vitamins and minerals by the intestine.

The study publicated in Celiac Desiase Fundation says the prevalence of celiac disease was 4% in South America, 0.5% in Africa and North America, 0.6% in Asia, and 0.8% in Europe and Oceania.


Growing search for gluten-free food

Even those without intolerance are adhering to the gluten-free diet, switching from wheat to coconut, almond or quinoa flour, and inserting other food in daily habits, such as tapioca and cassava.

With a gluten-free diet, the chances of losing weight are greater since there is a sharp reduction in daily carbohydrate intake.

Whether for a better diet or for allergy reasons, gluten-free food is increasingly attracting supporters, causing more brands to turn their efforts – and products – to meet this demand.

According to Euromonitor’s data, gluten-free products are projected to grow from 35% to 40% by 2022, the highest estimate compared to other healthy products.

Gluten-free food was also the subject of Nielsen’s 2019 Lifestyles study. As a result, these items contribute more than 75% to the growth of the healthy food industry. In addition, 27% of respondents said they are reducing the consumption of food with this component.


What is Blue Macaw Flora’s role in the gluten-free market?

Since 2007, Blue Macaw Flora has been developing GMO-Free products, which are free of any artificial ingredients.

One of the portfolio’s items is Frootiva, a 100%-natural snack made from dehydrated apple bits topped fruit powder in the acai, cupuacu, passion fruit, banana, lemon, and plum flavors.

The line is totally gluten-free and is available in traditional versions with organic sugar or without added sugar. There are also special editions with chia, 55% cocoa chocolate or cinnamon.

In addition to not containing gluten, the snack has no trans fat and lactose and also contains very low sodium content.

The fruit bits are a great product option for food manufacturers that want to bet on this healthier, more natural wave. The product may be marketed under the private label model. In addition to Brazil, brands in Switzerland, Germany, France, and Canada have already included dehydrated fruit bits in their portfolio to attract consumers who wish to have a diet free of artificial ingredients.

Other gluten-free products

Blue Macaw Flora was born with the mission of spreading the benefits of healthy eating, free of gluten, lactose, and artificial compounds, since it had been following for some time the behavioral changes in Brazilians and the numbers that dealt with the consumption of healthy products.

This more-frequent demand for natural products leads companies to rethink their production processes, developing gluten-free lines and avoiding the inclusion of other ingredients that compromise customer satisfaction.

With that in mind, Blue Macaw Flora has included other inputs in its portfolio, such as fruit powder and powder extract, that can take part in the production process of companies that want to make their food lines more natural by using ingredients free of any kind of artificial compounds.

Therefore, the food and beverage industries can start producing all-natural bread, snacks, cookies, granolas, desserts, energy drinks, juices, teas, among other items, without added sugar, gluten, colorings, and artificial flavors.

If your company needs inputs and advice to develop natural products, please contact Blue Macaw Flora at 11 2503-5356 or via email: We will be delighted to serve you.


Ararinha Azul - Blue Macaw


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